Thank you, without the red circle in the center encompassing 50% of the image, I would’ve never understood what this meme was talking about. Attention span is dead, and we killed it.
You already posted it, thank you.
Also a bonus [email protected], for some reason.
I don’t know what’s the bigger crime: the cocoa powder that was dumped on the plate after the fork was put there, making it messy to even pick up the fork, or the fact that they used a fork instead of a spoon.
But why would I put a tiramisu on my head? 🤔
Hmm, you seem like soft one. House Creampuff!
Looks more like the boogie man to me.
Anybody got this without a massive red circle?
Probably everbody.
I eh sort you, Giuseppe, to the house of eh macaroni
Thank gods they circled. I never would’ve seen it otherwise.
Ghost fork spotted.