I love how he said what he said and you dump this 5line paragraph on him 😘👌
I love how he said what he said and you dump this 5line paragraph on him 😘👌
Heißt das im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch nicht" Sarg"?
Dann geht der Retour und ich häng n Monitor an die Shield/sonstige TV box.
So wichtig ist mir ein extra-großer Fernseher nicht, dass es nicht auch ein großer Bildschirm an seiner Stelle tut.
Never knew I needed the Smartypants videos in my life. Thanks for introducing me to them 😂.
True. Each comic is like a box of very weird choclates.
With the capitalisation as it is it sounds like Gardening Fürst Pückler was an expert on modern landscape, and I respect that 🤗.
Assuming you’re from the US:
Start saving for those juicy medical bills because that is how you get those juicy medical bills.
The alternative is probably not much better:
Something tells me that “such treasury” should be changed to “such treachery” but what do I know?
Great posts y’all, every single one if them!
Yeah, rightfully so. That fuck deserves that and so much more. First his bullshit about the “Firewall against right wingers” and than that.
Hope people remember on election day.
People were able to buy stuff in communist countries like GDR and other soviet republics (well, shortages of goods aside of course lol). So those were capitalist in a way then?
Stalin et all. turning in their grave intensifies
Jokes aside:
Key points defining capitalism are the pursuit of profit and that the means of production are in private hands. Buying stuff is a “feature” of many systems besides capitalistic ones.
Edit: fixed autocowrecktion
Letzteres. Deutschland, Föderalismus, Junge! Kannst so eine Macht doch nicht zentralisieren!
guckt verwirrt, fängt dann als Übersprungshandlung an zu jodeln und geht weiter
leicht nervös ans Portmonee greif
Letztes Mal, dass mir unvermittelt ein Fremder ein Kompliment gemacht hat (wegen T-shirt mit print) war das neuzeitliche Äquivalent zu “Haste mal ne Mark?” der nächste Schritt seiner Kommunikation.
Das Kompliment war also nur der conversation starter, und nicht ernst gemeint 😥😓😭.
Mit anderen Worten: Bin voll neidisch auf dich, Brudi!
Edit: Satz aufgeräumt.
Geht theoretisch noch simpler: Ook gefällig? 😃
(Einleitung lesen, dann runter zum Beispielprogramm)
m4d h4x0r!
(Gosh, I miss the internet of the olden days of the early 2000s. Simpler times back then 😁)
Ye olde reliable, the “your mom” joke.
They will be fine with it for as long as they can - since it is 20 bucks each time.
Then, one day they be like “oh we had to get rid of the stupid names insensitive people kept putting in”, clean those out, and keep the money anyway.
TL;DR: not that good of a way to stick it to them as it may sound at first.