• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Oh WOAH. You just made me understand wtf is going on with the payphone in the scene at the beginning of War Games! He was making the clicks by hanging it up repeatedly. You just unlocked a memory of me and my dad, he loved that movie. That as well as what was going on in that scene! I can’t believe that scene came back to me right now and connected to what you were saying.

    Apparently my brain wanted to know how that worked while my conscious brain didn’t really think about it much other than “huh.” At the time. My dad did make me watch it like five times though.

  • And yet because of the electoral college, it’s still dead even. Factor in the armed citizen (trump supporting) electoral monitors planning to patrol ballots on election day and other vote suppression tactics, disenrollment and other court disenfranchisement tactics, and laws being passed to try to legally not certify a Harris victory, I figure Harris is probably and a 45-55 underdog at the moment.

    Young people still don’t vote at very high rates. They also tend to be the most likely demographic to say they are a likely voter but then not actually bother to vote. The youth vote is still a problem in this country.

    I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that young conservative “likely voters” were much more likely to actually vote, so that muddies some of the clarity here as well.