Don’t forget Lemmy (Kilmister)
Don’t forget Lemmy (Kilmister)
Sorry I don’t get out much.
What, kind sir, is the source of this beautiful piece of mappery?
“Sicher, hier ist ein 500 Wörter langes Feedback für eine Seminararbeit mit der Note ‘nicht bestanden’ aus der Perspektive eines Hochschullehrers.”
Diejenigen, die in Sachen Rente Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen (wie hier z.B. das BSW in ihrem Wahlprogramm).
I’m waiting for an update on the council’s decision.
Der Spruch zur Vergleichbarkeit von Äpfeln und Birnen zielt mehr auf den Sinn als auf die Unmöglichkeit solcher Vergleiche ab.
Die Renten zweier Länder zu vergleichen, ohne andere Faktoren (Einkommen, Rentenbeitrag, Lebenshaltungskosten, Steuern, Renteneintrittsalter, Teilzeitquote, demografische Entwicklung, …), einzubeziehen, ist wenig sinnvoll.
I recently switched from 1 January 1900 to 1 January 2000. It feels good to be young again.
Merz: “Und wenn der Ballen erstmal richtig lodert, rollen wir ihn bei Habeck in den Garten”
Sure, although those are still different things, and people won’t receive a diagnosis just because they’re more sensitive to matters of justice.
I completely agree with you that the stigma around psychological disorders (“disorder bad”) isn’t justified. Especially people with conditions like autism or ADHD often just experience the world differently and in ways that would sometimes be beneficial if everyone saw it that way.
The term “disorder” does a poor job at conveying that these conditions often result from peoples’ inability to function in “normal” society, which is not caused by them being “bad” but rather by society making it difficult for them to function as well as they could.
What disorder are you referring to? I tried to look this up, and justice sensitivity just seems to be a personality characteristic. There are also lots of websites talking about its link to ADHD and autism, but AFAIK it’s not a symptom of either.
Yeah, I bet he’s got Trump’s two brain cells both constantly firing at the same time. Complete overload.
Little known fact, but the “M” in "Ken "M is for “meme”.
I’m a lay person, too, so I can’t help much with detailed references. My understanding is that PPP is intended for cross-country comparisons (i.e., purchasing power in one region/country compared with that in another). Purchasing power indices more generally measure the (real) value of someone’s wages (after deducting regular expenses like rent, insurance etc.) for purchasing certain goods (e.g., a standardized “basket of goods”).
To find information for your country, you could check your national statistics agencies to see if they provide data on such indices. Real wages are one example that you can probably find, although they don’t adjust for cost of living expenses (but they typically do adjust for inflation).
I think Musk overestimates his popularity among the European supporters of far right parties. Recently came back from the holidays in rural east Germany, where lots of people vote that way, and people abhor him over there.
Just so you know, the cartoonist (Wikipedia) is a woman.
Don’t even have to invent anything new here: This is what purchasing power indices describe, and they definitely should play a much larger role in public discourse.
Anything less than NUKED isn’t worth my time
English is the Dawson’s Creek Trapper Keeper Ultra Keeper Futura S 2000 of languages.