The top-line costs alone expose the raw deal we’ve ended up with. The so-called divorce settlement from the Union tops £30 billion, and the loss in goods exports stands at £27 billion. UK food exports are estimated to have decreased by £2.8 billionannually.

Businesses have also been hit terribly. Up to 56% of dairy producers are struggling to find workers (as per an Arla survey). According to the Marine Management Organisation, seafood exports have dropped by 118,000 tonnes in the UK since 2019.

Over 16,000 companies with European customers have simply stopped exporting to the bloc. There’s also been a dramatic spike in immigration, and although 1.2 million EU nationals have left the UK in the wake of Brexit, net migration has soared by 2.3 million.

In fact, Brexit’s biggest promise was to control immigration – but we’ve ended up here. In total, 3.6 million immigrants have entered Britain since the freedom of movement laws were curtailed. Meanwhile, EU students at UK universities have fallen by a third.

    24 days ago

    Maybe ask yourself if you are partly at fault yourself if you continue believing in the lies that are being fed to you.

    Firstly, while immigration is currently a problem in the UK, the much bigger issue is that political parties like Reform use that as a scapegoat to divert your attention from other very real issues. Secondly, Nigel Farage was one of the most vocal proponents of Brexit. He (and other Brexit proponents) should be held accountable for their lies. Instead, he is allowed continue as if nothing has happened, because people are dumb and gullible.