On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2003. Per the...
I don’t disagree with your point, but how do Nostr or Monero play into the article? They aren’t mentioned at all.
Can’t be kicked off of Nostr and PayPal and other services can’t freeze Monero.
I see, I thought the finger was aimed at Nostr and cryptocurrencies. As you describe them they sound like the last hiding places for the worst assholes of the internet, and I feel confirmed in staying far away from everything web3/blockchain.
In case you didn’t know cryptocurrency’s/web3’s failures are all being recorded here: https://www.web3isgoinggreat.com/
You’re right about Nostr, as anything that advertises itself as “censorship proof” usually just ends up with those that want to say and do the vilest shit without consequences: fascists, bigots and the like.
Oh, I know “Web3 is going just great” already. It is the true ledger of the blockchain hype, and it’s all in the red. Hopefully your link brings it to somebody for the first time.
Ah okay. Glad you were aware of it and thank you 🙂. I hope so too.