Not true. As a certified Mountain Dew® Baja Blast™ enthusiast, I share content for the love of the brand. It’s just…coincidence that I share my Patreon subscriber data with the Grand Dew® Wizards and happen to get a fat anonymous donation to my account each time I share my love of the Baja™.
Of course they did.
You sound really sure
We’re all talking about Rednote now aren’t we? Apps don’t just explode in popularity without money being spent.
You should always assume that an influencer pushing a product is getting paid to do so.
Not true. As a certified Mountain Dew® Baja Blast™ enthusiast, I share content for the love of the brand. It’s just…coincidence that I share my Patreon subscriber data with the Grand Dew® Wizards and happen to get a fat anonymous donation to my account each time I share my love of the Baja™.