I’ve never met a conservative that wasn’t a trash human if I dug deep enough.
Universally uninformed and hateful. Prerequisites for the ideology.
I was a conservative. I am not a trash human…um…I am also not remotely conservative anymore, so…hmmm. 🤔
I know conservatives that are alright. But they drank the koolaid…
I think a lot of them need an antidote more than exile. But it’s hard to find it for them…
They could be allies still.
Perspective is a hell of a drug. Once you do it you can never go back.
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They probably thought lemmy was to reddit what truth/gab was to twitter (pre-elon twitter that is), or if you’re memory is long enough, voat to reddit.
Like nah dude. Not all social media spinoffs are righties being mad they couldn’t drop n-bombs.
I’m here cuz the RedditAlternatives sub on Reddit sent me here. Said it was the most populated Reddit alternative. I thought “Ok, but is it a right wing cesspool”. Turns out it’s not and the discourse here is much better than on Reddit.
Fellow Reddit refugee here who saw a very similar (possibly the same) post. Opened my eyes to the fediverse and I’m happy I made the jump.
Yeah, i was pleasantly surprised how much better regulated conversations are here. Less vitriol and more tempered opinions and outlook, there is still emotional shouting but not nearly as much. Really like it.
thats what I thought lemmy was for the longest before joining, just another voat
I too tried Voat way back in the day, part of a small Reddit exodus when they were removing Snowden articles in worldnews without explanation (back when the user base of Reddit still cared about moderator transparency), and I learnt quickly that if a platform advertises itself as “censorship free” or something along those lines, what they really mean is “we thrive on hate speech here.”
And after a few more years of checking out Reddit alternatives, I started to realise that basically all of them were “censorship free” and tailor made for trolls and bigots from banned Reddit communities like fatpeoplehate and jailbait.
By the time I heard about Lemmy, even though I didn’t get the impression that it was just another Voat, I was also kinda disillusioned about ever finding a good Reddit alternative at that point. So I didn’t bother trying.
And it has been a very pleasant surprise to find out how left wing it is here. That reputation is actually what made me try Bluesky before coming here and if I had known, I would’ve come here sooner. Finally an alternative that isn’t just r/conservative - the website. And not just that, a platform that isn’t full of ‘centrists’ that spend more time worrying about making sure the left wingers don’t swear too much, then worrying about the right wingers taking people’s rights away.
Fuuuuuuuck, that’s a site I haven’t thought of in a long time.
Helping people get off of corporate social media is significantly more important to me than maintaining Lemmy’s political identity.
Hopefully the fediverse can serve as a deradicalizing force for these reactionary newcomers. However it is interesting that they would want to use federated social media over corporate social media, given their worldview idolizing the market and meritocracy.
To narcissists any attention is good attention.
Off topic, but downvotes are not always an indication that a comment is of low quality.
How fucking hard would it be to spin up a Lemmy instance, you know? Conservatives too fucking stupid to buy hosting and run an install package lol
You still need computer knowledge to do that
From my experience, people with computer knowledge are usually more progressive
Calling someone dumb because they cant do what is easy for you to do is dumb
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I think its really an age thing a bit in IT. Where I am (large talcom), a lot of the old timers are pretty Conservative, but also, they don’t seem to know jack about any of the new sort of systems and tech we are using to upgrade the network. Thats all for the younger folks, who are also much more profressive.
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From my experience, people with computer knowledge are usually more progressive
Let me tell you about a time long ago, when it was harder to get on the internet and no one had smartphones and the internet was populated by users who were a whole lot more intelligent and reasonable than what we see today.
I was there. I can verify that the abnormal insanity we see in our politics today began around the same time everyone started walking around with the internet in their hands.
I don’t struggle too hard to empathize with Nazis that have to rent off Liberal spaces.
iirc there used to be a far right instance on Lemmy displaying Nazi imagery and shit, but they got defederated by almost everyone else and they’re either banned in Germany now or the instance is dead
I think that’s ExplodingHeads, they shutdown, now HilariousChaos is the newer friendlier ExplodingHeads even though they won’t admit it
I’ve never wanted to engage these people, but after Trump stripped the security from Fauci and Bolton and Pompeo, I have a morbid curiosity to see how’d they justify it. I mean, really, how do you defend stripping protection from your political opponents, who you know are being targeted by extremists, with no real justification or even reasoning beyong them being political opponents?
Don’t bother looking for justifications. They are infinite, because they are not honest. If their side does it, they’re in favor of it, no matter what they do.
It’s best to point out that this is what’s going on, that many others don’t do this, and after people read your comment, they’re left seeing the truth of the soulless, valuelessness of that behavior. It’ll make people slightly less likely to do it each time this repeats.
By saying it’s “wasting unnecessary” tax dollars. I saw a comment that said he should be able to afford his own security because “we the tax payers fund his 300k yearly retirement”. Meanwhile the fat cats are laughing all the way to the bank as this guy fights for a literal crumb of a crumb 🙄
For an hour today I had to listen to a conservative talk radio host keep repeating that if anyone in Europe said there were only 2 genders that the “stormtroopers” would be knocking on their door the next day. Over and over again trying to drill it into people’s heads that this happens somewhere. It only happens in their fantasies, the fantasies they are trying to normalize because they want people to think it is normal when they start knocking on peoples doors for having any freedom of speech or expression. (And then I remembered that Desantis ordered just this when people signed a petition to get something voted on)
Fucking exhausting listening to the wack shit they say.
Yeah, that does seem to be the tenor of it.
It might make me a terrible person, but I hate Trump more for how stupid everything he does is than how evil it is. Every step of the war he hurts us, econimically, diplomatically, bureaucratically. Even if he doesn’t try an ethnic cleansing and self-coup, the damage he has done to democratic institutions, professional government and our place in the world is something none of us will live to see America recover from.
Users can have upvotes and downvotes disabled in settings so they are never see how many vote up or down.
In my mobile client I don’t see down votes and I like it that way. Today I logged in on my desktop and saw them. So I went through my comment history laughing for a while. I think I was down voted the most when I had something negative to say about neoliberals.
I am unbothered being down voted and think generally that the whole upvote tally can lead to groupthink in general. Being able to disable viewing them is a good design choice that could be made better being site | instance wide.
As a social experiment I wonder how much we have become accustomed to internet points as a form of self validation. If a large whole instance was segregated for a month or two and had disabled the voting tally, what would the engagement look like? Is it all ego driven?
Totally agree with you in relation to groupthink and it’s the main reason I have them disabled too. I don’t like my opinion of a comment to be influenced by others before I’ve even finished reading it.
I like that lemmy lets you see the upvotes and downvotes separately rather than just an aggregate like Reddit has. It’s hard to tell when you see something has 1 or zero votes what people generally think but it might turn out that you have 100 upvotes and 100 downvotes and it just happens to add up to zero but you hit on something that’s actually deeply controversial. That info is nice to have.
That is a good argument. It was nice to see that some of my comments were not universally liked and that some kind of broke even.
They absolutely are incapable of believing they are wrong at all. Every solution that includes them being correct or in the right are the only viable ones and everything else is a trick, or a lie, or “buzzword here”. They are conspiracy theorists and suffer the same deep logical failings.
They have Seidit, an old Reddit ripoff. I have seen a sub that is literally designed for one of those “magic” crystals…geez.
What was that other one from the exodus from the jailbait shit that ended up devolving into a cesspool of racism and sexism? That one was a wild ride. It’s almost like people with certain libertarian and conservative type values are all shitheads lol.
Was that voat? That one was initially promising, then almost immediately went to shit as all the worst people from reddit went there.
That was it!!! I even made an account there then quickly realized as many others did that the people who were exodusing Reddit were better off gone haha.
They get the hint that they need to turn off displaying vote scores?
I welcome them, honestly… Lemmy is emphatically too far left. For fucks sake, two of the top three instances are nearly all tankies.
We need diversity in here if we want to understand what’s going on. The conservatives braving Lemmy honestly could be people seeking answers, too.
Some will be propagandists, but so are a lot of clowns on the far-left that lurk here.
Fuck no.
The world needs less of their voice, not more of it.
What we need is less centrist fucks who want to ‘just give them a chance’.
Conservatism is something to be healed in the brain and in the body, not conquered, fought against, or included as part of a skewed notion of balance. Same with authoritarianism, regardless of where on a left-right spectrum it is. Anything telling you to get fucked and fend for yourself, or bow down, is a corrosive thing that simply destroys things it touches.
Any opinion that isn’t poisoned by either one is a welcome addition to the table.
Something tells me those comms are a place for tankies to go mask-off and enjoy just being who they really are.
Stethoscope theory is fucking CRUSHING the classification of these cretins.
The bar for “meme” is apparently underground, lol.
Waaah waaah, Lemmy is a lefty ecochamber propaganda machine waaah waaah
What’s funny about people who say this, is they’re implying we’d have a better balanced perspective if we just accepted some Naziism into our lives.
Left = introvert altruism. Right = extravert egoism.
Do you really perceive there to be nothing in between ‘leftism’ and Nazi? That extremes are all that exist? That the only people who aren’t a fan of one kind of echo chamber are those who want it to be a different kind of echo chamber?
Do you really perceive there to be nothing in between ‘leftism’ and Nazi?
Sure, but they’ve become irrelevant because there’s not enough of them.
In America right now the only factions that matter are the left and what are swiftly revealing themselves to be actual fucking Nazis/Fascists and their enablers, who, by extension, are fucking Nazis/Fascists.
Hey i’m just the guy that’s anti-Nazi. You must be the other guy.
If you’re not left, you’re wrong.
Unironically, since rightwing ideology generally requires basing your worldview on traditional values, which where based on flawed beliefs that where since disproven.
Despite popular belief among ideologues of all stripes, sanctimony and virtue are not the same thing.
And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.