It has been eye opening to say the least, how easily people are whipped up by obvious propaganda, as long as it gives them something to hate.
Even as far away as here in South Africa, I’ve come across people that have been clearly listening to Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan or some shit; who want to ‘chat’ about transgender people.
As if it even concerns them in the first place. And as if being transgender is some sort of fad, and not talking about a miniscule percentage of people who are just trying to live their lives without bothering anybody. Because this ‘fad’ must be happening in some other town from what I can see. With my eyes. While not listening to self important ‘gurus’ on the podcast or some shit.
I just want to say that it has nothing to do with being transgender and it could’ve been any easy to single out group. People like to hate and look down on something different that they don’t understand in order to feel superior in some way in their own shitty lives.
But I feel like that’s empty and useless to say to someone while they’re being actively targeted. Like telling a bullying victim to just suck it up because their bully has a bad home life or some shit.
So really all I can say is that I’m sorry this is happening to you. And that I wish there was a way to offer support other than with just words. Like a new country or island where the people are enlightened and not prejudiced, hateful and easily turned by easy to spot slimeballs.
Another feature to add to the wishlist in my head: alt text. Something Bluesky is getting right and something that I had never even considered before using the platform. Plus it’s a pretty cool little writing exercise.