Epstein had blackmail, and as such was still a danger to the rich, even in jail. On the other hand, Luigi was just some guy with a gun who got lucky, if they can lock him up for the rest of his life, he doesn’t pose any danger.
I fear that we’re witnessing a concerted conditioning aimed at ensuring the suspension of habeus corpus. At this point, it seems to be a bipartisan theatrical effort. I reallllllly hope I’m just being paranoid because if I’m right, we have no concept of the hell that awaits us (I’m writing this from a quantum decryption proof VPN)
I’m surprised they kept this guy alive. Maybe they figured out how obvious epstein looked and didn’t risk it with this guy
Epstein had blackmail, and as such was still a danger to the rich, even in jail. On the other hand, Luigi was just some guy with a gun who got lucky, if they can lock him up for the rest of his life, he doesn’t pose any danger.
Didn’t see any bullets in that video. The CEO probably just tripped over something on the ground and fell over.
He’s already on a path to martyrdom.
They kill him, 100 more will take his place.
Luigi hasn’t harmed any currently alive rich people, when he killed one another took their place.
Epstein was a threat to Trump and a UK Prince, among others.
I fear that we’re witnessing a concerted conditioning aimed at ensuring the suspension of habeus corpus. At this point, it seems to be a bipartisan theatrical effort. I reallllllly hope I’m just being paranoid because if I’m right, we have no concept of the hell that awaits us (I’m writing this from a quantum decryption proof VPN)