In Tokyo, the capital of Japan, a man got into a taxi. Due to the language barrier, he couldn’t say much, except for the name of the institute he wanted to go to. The taxi driver understood, nodded, and respectfully opened the door for the passenger to get in, which is part of their culture. As the journey began, the taxi driver turned on the meter, then after a while, he turned it off, and later turned it back on again. The passenger was puzzled but remained silent due to the language barrier. When he reached the institute, he told the people welcoming him, “First, ask the taxi driver why he turned off the meter for some time during the trip.” When they asked the driver, he replied, “I made a mistake along the way. I missed the turn I was supposed to take, and the next U-turn was quite far. Due to my mistake, we had to travel an extra two to two and a half kilometers. During that time, I turned off the meter. I cannot charge the passenger for the distance that increased because of my mistake.”
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