Some people take that old kickball lark awfully seriously.
Missed the chance to get “have a GP appointment with Harold Shipman” and “go to a pool party at Michael Barrymore’s” in there (replacing the McCanns and Edward Scissorhands).
Simple as.
Will he be doing all 5, as Liverpool will win the league? Also, I’d rather flay myself than be in the same room as Gemma Collins. The others are fine. Ed doesn’t need to wear the gloves. Jimmy is dead. Gary isn’t interested in me, and a free holiday is a free holiday.
im going up the pool
Getting pretty sick of all the Gemma Collins hate.
Why? She’s awful. Spoiled, entitled, and grasping for fame despite having nothing at all to offer. Thick as pig shit and trying to glamourise the fact as though that’s an endearing trait. Paul Sinha worked with her on a show and said she was one of the most awful people on the planet. I trust his judgement.
Fair enough, that was probably badly worded. I don’t really watch TV so don’t know that much about her I’m just sick of people going on about her so much.