I’ve used Telegram for years and never seen an ad. Their Privacy Policy says ads aren’t based on messages
Unlike other services, we don’t use your data for ad targeting or other commercial purposes. Telegram only stores the information it needs to function as a secure and feature-rich cloud service.
Telegram offers a tool for advertisers to promote their messages in public one-to-many channels, but these sponsored messages are based solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown. No user data is mined or analyzed to display ads or sponsored messages.
It’s about the fact that you HAVE TO trust them to not read your plaintext messages, not see your private photos, whereas Signal is open source (ok both server and client side) and end to end encrypted so you don’t really have to trust anyone.
I understand your point and I support & contribute to FOSS. But I was specifically addressing the claim that Telegram reads all messages and sells them to the highest bidder. They don’t currently, unless someone can point me towards a credible source
I’ve used Telegram for years and never seen an ad. Their Privacy Policy says ads aren’t based on messages
It’s about the fact that you HAVE TO trust them to not read your plaintext messages, not see your private photos, whereas Signal is open source (ok both server and client side) and end to end encrypted so you don’t really have to trust anyone.
I understand your point and I support & contribute to FOSS. But I was specifically addressing the claim that Telegram reads all messages and sells them to the highest bidder. They don’t currently, unless someone can point me towards a credible source
I’m certain that policy will never change. Also, it is completely a coincidence that they won’t encrypt by default or group chats.
Also really sure they would never hand over your private chats to anyone who asked.