For fucks sake. It’s not propaganda to think violence isn’t the answer to political problems. Have you never heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right?” If not, learn it, if so, them tire being willfully obtuse.
And you know damn well I didn’t mean “animals” to imply actual animals. It’s a term. How about you replace “animals” with “losers,” or “assholes” instead.
Lastly, I tend to avoid arguing with smug and arrogant people that try and rub pseudo-intellectual bullshit all over everything. So…
“LiBruL pROpAgAnDa!”
For fucks sake. It’s not propaganda to think violence isn’t the answer to political problems. Have you never heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right?” If not, learn it, if so, them tire being willfully obtuse.
And you know damn well I didn’t mean “animals” to imply actual animals. It’s a term. How about you replace “animals” with “losers,” or “assholes” instead.
Lastly, I tend to avoid arguing with smug and arrogant people that try and rub pseudo-intellectual bullshit all over everything. So…
Have a day.