Another short story: My GF (now wife) was doing event planning. This was an outdoor dog event. Everything was very rural, very unsanctioned. The company they were dealing with brought in all of the stages and equipment. One of her tasks was to provide the music.
I helped her make a nice lengthy playlist that would easily last the entire event. I did however have all of my mp3s with us.
About 30 minutes into the all day event, someone came up and made a request for a song. We were just using winamp, She didn’t see the harm in it so she just grabbed whatever they requested and shoved it in the playlist a couple of songs down. All of a sudden there was a line to make requests.
I already had a lot of the low hanging fruit like who let the dogs out in the queue.
Well apparently, five or six request later they asked for Nine Inch Nails - closer, oh yeah great dog themed song…
I didn’t have my phone with me. I was all the way at the other side of the event. I hear that familiar synth bassline queue up. Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi.
I start running toward the stage. Trying to grab her attention to stop the song.
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me violate you
I’m running some more but I’m out of shape. The music is quite loud there’s no way I could scream loud enough for her to hear me.
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me desecrate you
I get a stitch in my side and shin splits at the same time… I have to slow down.
A couple more lines go by, I’m not going to make it in time
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me complicate you
Oh we’re almost through the precourse now
Boo dooo booodooo booOOODOOdeedee help me I broke apart my insides
I’m about 30 ft away but I am desperately out of breath.
Boo dooo booodooo booOOODOOdeedee. Help me get away from myself
A lot of the guys in the crowd around me are laughing their asses off because they know what’s coming
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
Volume off
Scandalous! Mother’s holding their children’s ears, hundreds of bros sitting around thumbs up in the whole event.
We learned a few valuable lessons that day. Don’t take requests for Media that you’re not ultimately familiar with, Don’t bring any media with you that you don’t want the public to hear.
Zappa’s Bobby Brown topped the charts in several European countries, with most people oblivious to the lyrics, people thought it was just some pop song :)
My short story about foeeign music
Wife and 6-year-old get back from dance class:
6yo: I want to add that song we heard in the car to my playlist
Wife: oh what was that song again
Me: do you remember any words, we can search for it
6yo: no Wife: no
Me: what station was it on?
Wife: satellite, TikTok radio
Me: ohh ok, I guess we just need to wait or maybe if you find it on TikTok…
Days go by
Wife: It came on in the car but the title of the song was all weird characters
Me: was it like little stick figures or big slashes or just weird drawn characters?
Wife: just wierd
Me: Google: Russian songs on tik Tok
I listen to it. It absolutely slaps
Google then mentions controversy
Then I translate the song’s name.
LMAO. 'I will fuck"
Then I go to look for lyric translations
It’s so fucking cringe and not in a naughty or dirty way, it’s just lame cringe.
The beat of the music still slap though.
Reminds me of this funny commercial (nsfw language).
Rofl, That’s awesome.
Another short story: My GF (now wife) was doing event planning. This was an outdoor dog event. Everything was very rural, very unsanctioned. The company they were dealing with brought in all of the stages and equipment. One of her tasks was to provide the music.
I helped her make a nice lengthy playlist that would easily last the entire event. I did however have all of my mp3s with us.
About 30 minutes into the all day event, someone came up and made a request for a song. We were just using winamp, She didn’t see the harm in it so she just grabbed whatever they requested and shoved it in the playlist a couple of songs down. All of a sudden there was a line to make requests.
I already had a lot of the low hanging fruit like who let the dogs out in the queue.
Well apparently, five or six request later they asked for Nine Inch Nails - closer, oh yeah great dog themed song…
I didn’t have my phone with me. I was all the way at the other side of the event. I hear that familiar synth bassline queue up. Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi.
I start running toward the stage. Trying to grab her attention to stop the song.
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me violate you
I’m running some more but I’m out of shape. The music is quite loud there’s no way I could scream loud enough for her to hear me.
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me desecrate you
I get a stitch in my side and shin splits at the same time… I have to slow down.
A couple more lines go by, I’m not going to make it in time
Buum Dom Bop be boom boom de dibidibi, you let me complicate you
Oh we’re almost through the precourse now
Boo dooo booodooo booOOODOOdeedee help me I broke apart my insides
I’m about 30 ft away but I am desperately out of breath.
Boo dooo booodooo booOOODOOdeedee. Help me get away from myself
A lot of the guys in the crowd around me are laughing their asses off because they know what’s coming
I want to fuck you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
Volume off
Scandalous! Mother’s holding their children’s ears, hundreds of bros sitting around thumbs up in the whole event.
We learned a few valuable lessons that day. Don’t take requests for Media that you’re not ultimately familiar with, Don’t bring any media with you that you don’t want the public to hear.
Zappa’s Bobby Brown topped the charts in several European countries, with most people oblivious to the lyrics, people thought it was just some pop song :)
OMG you’re right. Was guilty of that too :)
It’s such a catchy tune.
Zappa remains great.
But also at least half of his songs are absolute smut, and we love him for it.