Born in 01. I’m excited to be 24 and have a celebration with my girlfriend and family, but I feel OLD.

What is the cutoff? When do you stop being a young woman?

(I was going to say I wish I was still around 10 years younger when I realized that people born in 2011 are going to be/are 14 and not 5.)

Other edit: It’s been almost 8 years since my Sweet 16. Holy crap. My sister was 6.

    1 month ago

    OP, every day for the rest of your life you’re going to be the oldest you’ve ever been. As time goes on, that age will even become a number you never much thought about or imagined yourself reaching. Around 24 you have pretty much passed all the major rites of initiation and markers of adulthood. There’s nothing else here except getting older. My advice is to get out that imagination and think about what you want your life to be at 50, because it will come.