No. Otherkin are valid. The social construct of species isn’t.
Asexual reproduction. Sapiens-Neanderthal hybrids. Tree grafting. Speciation is nonsense with no basis in empirical observation. The only reason it’s become an accepted paradigm in the scientific community is that the convenience outweighs the inaccuracy in a lab context. It doesn’t when we’re talking about otherkin. When we’re talking about otherkin, the cost of continuing to believe in the made up nonsense that is species is too high.
No. Otherkin are valid. The social construct of species isn’t.
Asexual reproduction. Sapiens-Neanderthal hybrids. Tree grafting. Speciation is nonsense with no basis in empirical observation. The only reason it’s become an accepted paradigm in the scientific community is that the convenience outweighs the inaccuracy in a lab context. It doesn’t when we’re talking about otherkin. When we’re talking about otherkin, the cost of continuing to believe in the made up nonsense that is species is too high.