In my experience learning online is way more effective and efficient.

Why it is not the default option for universities?

  • Captain
    23 hours ago

    My education credentials: I am a flight instructor.

    Classrooms are a terrible place to teach. Laboratories are better. I can give you a 9 hour lecture on the aerodynamics of maneuvering flight, with a lengthy powerpoint presentation with pictures and such…or I can give you a half hour briefing and a one hour flight lesson and you’ll come away knowing more than you would have from that 9 hour lecture.

    A degree you earned from sitting in a classroom watching powerpoint presentations and doing homework on paper is going to be useless. They’re going to teach you how to fill a page of paper with calculus or an MLA formatted essay. No one actually does those things. Maybe. Maybe. something like computer programming or the like where the student can bring their own computer could be done entirely from home, because a laptop is sufficient lab equipment for that field of study. I can think of very few other degrees that should be granted based on listening to a professor talk and answering trivia questions about what he said.

    Biology majors need to cut a creature open. Engineering majors need to design and build things. Psychology majors need to talk to people. Chemists need to mix shit together. Aviation majors need to fly a fucking plane. If your degree program doesn’t include a fair amount of practical lab work like that, you’re either in a diploma mill or you’re majoring in business. Either way, just unenroll.