I think it’s especially hilarious that “fenian” is a slur. For any Irish person for whom it would become relevant at all, I feel like if you called them a “fenian” they would swell with pride.
a pakistani woman I knew explained to me that Paki was deeply offensive and that I should never use it, but she knew I probably didnt know that. she did suggest I never use it again unless I was trying to upset someone
Yes, but presumably if avoiding that situation was the goal they would have removed “faggot.” I can’t even really understand what is the reasoning which might have led them to be extremely aggressive about finding weird slurs that very few people use to root out and remove, while leaving the ones that are actual issues alone. In some way, I think the impotence of the final decision set is somehow connected with the performative nature of it all. Maybe? I have no idea.
Ultimately it seems like they’re just trying to fit in with the times as their clueless executives understand them. I think they’re a few years behind the times, though, actually. Maybe if they were a little more hip they would be trying to release a “free speech” Scrabble with a bunch of new words added and with “liberal” and “woke” removed, now that the 2010s’ brand of stupid performativeness is being replaced with a new type of performativeness that’s different and much darker.
No. It absolutely is not. Historically it did sure, but I challenge you to go to any corner of the English-speaking world and use it in any sentence at all and have any single person hear you and assume that you mean a bundle of sticks.
Like I said, using the UK is cheating (I guess I should have specified that). I can take a walk down Butthole Lane, look up the bus schedule from Shitterton to Twatt, and then I can go pick up 6 faggots for £1.60. It’s all just part of the nature of the place.
I’m sorry, using the place where English came from as an example of modern English usage is somehow against some imaginary rule of argument? What a take.
Pretty sure George Washington invented English, it was right about the time he was teaching the Wampanoag about thanksgiving and the Iroquois about federal democracy.
Here in the uk , the P word is probably the most offensive word you could use against a person of Indian descent. Up there with the n word. removed (f word) is also probably the most offensive slur you can use in reference to gay people. It’s correct that they banned them.
Guessing you’re from America where being offensive is cool. Historically people used to justify the n word based on the origins rather than the highly offensive connotations.
UK ain’t woke, just has some acceptance that people from different backgrounds have some value rather than pandering to grumpy white folk who care about nothing but themselves and how inconvenient it is to possibly consider other words.
Guessing you don’t live in the UK. Accepted we have many issues we need to address and further progress to make, but certain slurs ans language are unacceptable and can rightly land you in hot water. Meanwhile in America and some other places, folk are like “lol, n word”.
Even if we ignore all the dark shit the UK did to other races in the past in the name of imperialism, we’re still talking about a country that voted to divorce itself from a mutually beneficial economic alliance because it didn’t want to be forced to let brown people move there. They may not talk about it like the Americans do but the UK is still plenty racist.
Brexit is a whole different topic. Norway isn’t part of the EU, does that mean they are racist? You can hopefully see how weak that point was. Part of the debate was about sovereignty and economic decline. Whether valid, your implication that because 17m voted for that, they are all racist, is wholly wrong, shallow and child like black and white thinking. Some are, yes. I do know folks from right or left year voted for it who don’t have a racist bone in their body. You have to be able to handle nuanced debates though.
You’ve completely changed the topic from slurs and what isn’t acceptable to a whole piece on racism and I think every country can do an awful lot more to improve, UK included. The point was, slurs in there that some are finding acceptable in other countries isn’t here. You’d get banned from football games for them or fired from jobs.
If you just want to go down the “UK all bad!” You can carry on the whatabouttery/kitchen sinking on your own to make yourself feel better to protect your country and feed that nationalist indignation you got going on. If you want to go back to discussing slurs and acceptability, happy to welcome you back to the debate.
Norway isn’t part of the EU, does that mean they are racist?
Norway wasn’t a founding member that voted to leave primarily to avoid taking in immigrants
You have to be able to handle nuanced debates though.
Easily the smuggest thing I’ve read in weeks
You’ve completely changed the topic from slurs and what isn’t acceptable to a whole piece on racism
I laughed at someone using the UK as their example of race relations done right. I laughed because it’s funny, because the UK is one of the most racist countries in the world. Slurs are not the only form of racism.
If you just want to go down the “UK all bad!”
Where are you getting this shit from? It wasn’t from my post, that’s for sure.
to make yourself feel better to protect your country and feed that nationalist indignation
Wasn’t doing that. This was all about you picking one of the worst possible countries as your example of the alternative.
“Paki” maybe. The other two I don’t think are.
I think it’s especially hilarious that “fenian” is a slur. For any Irish person for whom it would become relevant at all, I feel like if you called them a “fenian” they would swell with pride.
a pakistani woman I knew explained to me that Paki was deeply offensive and that I should never use it, but she knew I probably didnt know that. she did suggest I never use it again unless I was trying to upset someone
Yes, but presumably if avoiding that situation was the goal they would have removed “faggot.” I can’t even really understand what is the reasoning which might have led them to be extremely aggressive about finding weird slurs that very few people use to root out and remove, while leaving the ones that are actual issues alone. In some way, I think the impotence of the final decision set is somehow connected with the performative nature of it all. Maybe? I have no idea.
Ultimately it seems like they’re just trying to fit in with the times as their clueless executives understand them. I think they’re a few years behind the times, though, actually. Maybe if they were a little more hip they would be trying to release a “free speech” Scrabble with a bunch of new words added and with “liberal” and “woke” removed, now that the 2010s’ brand of stupid performativeness is being replaced with a new type of performativeness that’s different and much darker.
Faggot is a real word with actual, non offensive, meanings, ‘paki’ is not.
No. It absolutely is not. Historically it did sure, but I challenge you to go to any corner of the English-speaking world and use it in any sentence at all and have any single person hear you and assume that you mean a bundle of sticks.
Faggots can also be meatballs, you can walk in to a supermarket and buy some faggots, or make them yourself.
The use to mean “a bundle of sticks” is definitely more rare now-a-days though, you’re correct.
“‘cigarette’ is short for ‘meatball’” is certainly a sentence.
Like I said, using the UK is cheating (I guess I should have specified that). I can take a walk down Butthole Lane, look up the bus schedule from Shitterton to Twatt, and then I can go pick up 6 faggots for £1.60. It’s all just part of the nature of the place.
I’m sorry, using the place where English came from as an example of modern English usage is somehow against some imaginary rule of argument? What a take.
Pretty sure George Washington invented English, it was right about the time he was teaching the Wampanoag about thanksgiving and the Iroquois about federal democracy.
(I am joking don’t get all upset. Here, here’s Al Murray to soothe the English pride: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x2ovlPr2IE)
The last time I was in the UK they still called cigarettes fags, so who knows
I’m not able to see the removed word and my mind is running wild with imagination. Can you give me the first letter?
Only thing I can think of with faggot is that on the UK at least that’s a organ based dish
The UK doesn’t count man. If that’s the metric for obscenity then everything is allowed.
Here in the uk , the P word is probably the most offensive word you could use against a person of Indian descent. Up there with the n word. removed (f word) is also probably the most offensive slur you can use in reference to gay people. It’s correct that they banned them.
Guessing you’re from America where being offensive is cool. Historically people used to justify the n word based on the origins rather than the highly offensive connotations.
UK ain’t woke, just has some acceptance that people from different backgrounds have some value rather than pandering to grumpy white folk who care about nothing but themselves and how inconvenient it is to possibly consider other words.
Lmao. Of all the countries to say this about.
Guessing you don’t live in the UK. Accepted we have many issues we need to address and further progress to make, but certain slurs ans language are unacceptable and can rightly land you in hot water. Meanwhile in America and some other places, folk are like “lol, n word”.
Even if we ignore all the dark shit the UK did to other races in the past in the name of imperialism, we’re still talking about a country that voted to divorce itself from a mutually beneficial economic alliance because it didn’t want to be forced to let brown people move there. They may not talk about it like the Americans do but the UK is still plenty racist.
UK did some dark shit in the past. No debate.
Brexit is a whole different topic. Norway isn’t part of the EU, does that mean they are racist? You can hopefully see how weak that point was. Part of the debate was about sovereignty and economic decline. Whether valid, your implication that because 17m voted for that, they are all racist, is wholly wrong, shallow and child like black and white thinking. Some are, yes. I do know folks from right or left year voted for it who don’t have a racist bone in their body. You have to be able to handle nuanced debates though.
You’ve completely changed the topic from slurs and what isn’t acceptable to a whole piece on racism and I think every country can do an awful lot more to improve, UK included. The point was, slurs in there that some are finding acceptable in other countries isn’t here. You’d get banned from football games for them or fired from jobs.
If you just want to go down the “UK all bad!” You can carry on the whatabouttery/kitchen sinking on your own to make yourself feel better to protect your country and feed that nationalist indignation you got going on. If you want to go back to discussing slurs and acceptability, happy to welcome you back to the debate.
Norway wasn’t a founding member that voted to leave primarily to avoid taking in immigrants
Easily the smuggest thing I’ve read in weeks
I laughed at someone using the UK as their example of race relations done right. I laughed because it’s funny, because the UK is one of the most racist countries in the world. Slurs are not the only form of racism.
Where are you getting this shit from? It wasn’t from my post, that’s for sure.
Wasn’t doing that. This was all about you picking one of the worst possible countries as your example of the alternative.