So I’ve got jellyfin all set up, but I’m having some issues with files downloading from qbittorrent and Knowing exactly how and when they get moved over, either the sonar or jellyfin repository, whichever is the final destination. This is important because my torrenting drive is separate from my media drive. I have noticed some shows and files staying on my torrenting drive while others go over to the media drive. And I’m and to figure out where the issue might be that’s causing this, I think I need a refresher on exactly how and when these files are supposed to be moved over. Since I can’t find any sort of documentation inside the apps.
Can anybody explain this to me like super simply? I just took an edible and it’s starting to kick in, but I still want to figure this out. Thanks y’all!
Sonarr gets torrents and sends to qbittorrent, qbittorrent downloads the torrent and puts the downloaded file somewhere, sonarr then picks up that file and moves it to its final destination where jellyfin expects it
It’s important to have seperate directories for unfinished torrent downloads and complete ones, and only have sonarr pick up from the completed one
you can use the same folder for unfinished downloads. I personally use a symlink as jellyfin won’t pickup partial files
Back when I used Torrents instead of Usenet for sonarr, I had only the one folder, since Plex would generally pick up the library changes automatically anyway. I’d assume that Jellyfin is similar, although I don’t use it enough to know for sure. These days I use only Usenet for sonarr/radarr since I’m paying for Usenet and it’s excellent for automation/new content, and SABnzbd provides both incomplete and complete folders by default anyway.
I also only use Usenet, so yeah, might not be the case for torrents
And it’s good to use hard links.
Op cant because he’s using 2 different filesystems