Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction
And it only took the bloodiest civil war in history, a war we’re still paying the price for not going the extra mile and abolishing the southern states and replacing them with Union members.
Such is the price to end slavery in America and advance the worldwide abolitionist movement.
And I wish federal occupation had lasted significantly longer, enough to replace the older generation with a enlightened, Yankee way of thinking and attitude. That or go the route of Jacob Smith and just shoot about everyone above the age of ten and sell all the land for cheap.
The current US prison system is effectively legalised slavery, and is a big reason why US system doesn’t do reform and incentives recedivism
Still literally in the US constitution. 13th:
And it only took the bloodiest civil war in history, a war we’re still paying the price for not going the extra mile and abolishing the southern states and replacing them with Union members.
Such is the price to end slavery in America and advance the worldwide abolitionist movement.
And I wish federal occupation had lasted significantly longer, enough to replace the older generation with a enlightened, Yankee way of thinking and attitude. That or go the route of Jacob Smith and just shoot about everyone above the age of ten and sell all the land for cheap.