I was searching this thread for an alternative to dreamhost which has unlimited monthly traffic. I found this Black Friday link from a year ago which still works!
Do I need unlimited? Probably not, but I was worried about going over.
Can someone provide some use cases for this? Curious how I can extend my homelab via this.
My racknerd server is from this same deal last year. Here’s how I set it up:
Every time these days I want to run a service I always ask myself “do I need it always on?” and then set it up on my Racknerd VPS.
My next project might be a permanent link shortener service for my blog/personal use, so I can setup a personal permalink-type service.
I use one of these VMs for two things. Monitoring my network back home using Uptime Kuma and Tailscale. As well as as a Tailscale exit node (essentially a VPN).