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    10 months ago

    They is many thing we individually like to see, depending of our social position. Without being organize (formally or not), it seems unlikely that those things maybe compatible one with each other. Our political goals are deeply connect to the way we fight for it today.

    I will split my answer in 4 parts : abstractly, an analysis, the way to make it, and how I see it where I’m living

    • Abstracly : we want a world without domination and hierarchy between people
    • Analysis :
        1. Mean our productions are monopolize by the bourgeoisie, and the violence of the state
        1. People are depending from those way of production for their living
        1. States are competing one with each other for they one power
        1. States that are winning these competition ensure the adhesion of a part of their people in enhancing access to utilities
        1. The never ending economic growth, and the ecological situation is slowly ending the situation
        1. The repression of the States are isolating our collectives one with each other. We couldn’t design collectively our mobilization accross borders, nations our even our social position. Without the mutualisation of the activist work, people are wore us out, repulsing people to join us, and weakening our fights.
        1. To accelerate this end, and replace way we access to our needs, imply to organize internationally (in order co end 3. and 4.) to self-managed (including to stop) the means of production (in order to resolve 2.)
    • Way to make it :
      • Need to organize not only our solidarity with others, but our own conditions —psychology, materially and socially (in order to resolve 6) through workplace through organization that are already self-managed and that make live internationalism. Today, I think that the ICL-CIT is one of the most concrete way to do so
      • Of cours, the fight for the mean of production shall not be contain of the formal economy, the informal mean of reproduction (carrying, socializing, housing, culturally, entertainment, …). This is last point is a big step forward to resolve 6.
    • An anarchist city : Rent strikes and neighborhood solidarity are let us organize by city block. Restaurant have been replace by common canteen, drugstore by small dispensary (not only supplying medicine, but providing healthcare), stores, and bike workshop. Message boards help to share informations, next to lowtech radio information (by radio, our with lorawan like network for reading information); its help to add, and being inform on topics that would be address on every City block meeting. This city block meetings are deciding of the needs (electricity, heating, pieces for the workshop, foods for the store, …), how to deal with violence issue and is where unions will expose the needs to comply (I will develop after).

    Socialized production through union federation, is how we could, as workers, asking for what we need to satisfy the needs. For exemple, if farms need more workers to ensure the need express by city blocks, unions will send workers (with imperative mandate) to discuss in City block meeting of the need of more workers. This discussion could lead to synthesis agreement, like asking time and place to be trained in safety or first aid.

    Freedom is build through free time, and even if some necessary works still exists, everybody try to minimize it day after day. Of course we could chill more, but “unnecessary” production could develop as a free time. It may develop entertainment, theater, but why not some scientific stuff; ocean and space exploration may still exists, but they will need the voluntary work of everyone imply, and the ressources willingly given by communities.

    Of course, private car have been replaced. Some exists for firefighter or ambulance, but every road have been diminish to one line and 2 cycle path. The place earn is greenish, with kids games, and place to rest.

    This is the topic of “Bâtir aussi”, a (french) novel.