The “don’t repeat yourself” principle is well established, but over-aggressive refactorizarions to extract common code are also widely known for creating hard to maintain code due to the introduction of tight coupling between components that should not be coupled. A passing resemblance between code blocks is reason enough to extract them away, even if that ends up breaking Liskov’s substitution principle.

To mitigate problems caused by DRY fundamentalisms, the “write everything twice” (WET) principle was coined. WET works by postponing aggressive refactorizarions, the kind that introduces complexity and couples unrelated code just because it bears some resemblance, by creating a rule of thumb where similar code blocks showing up twice in the code should not be refactored, and only code that shows up multiple times should be considered for this task. However, this rule ignores context and nuances, and can dissuade developers from cleaning up code.

So, where do you stand on the topic? How do you deal with duplicate code? Do you follow any specific rule of thumb?

    1 年前

    You wrote:

    To mitigate problems caused by DRY fundamentalisms, the “write everything twice” (WET) principle was coined.

    I’m listing when and how it was coined with the article that coined it. If you have another source to claim it wasn’t in the fashion I’ve described feel free to provide sources to the contrary. I even sources it from the very Wikipedia entry you shared.

    WET is a clear guideline

    Again, feel free to provide sources to back up your claim.

    Your comment sounds like a weak attempt at revisionism.

    Again. Feel free to back up your claims with actual sources. The concept of AHA by Kent C Dobbs, of Angular fame says:

    There’s another concept that people have referred to as WET programming which stands for “Write Everything Twice.” That’s similarly dogmatic and over prescriptive. Conlin Durbin has defined this as […]

    He then goes on to link to the article/blog I mentioned where Durbin states:

    Instead, I propose WET programming.

    And he goes on to explain this new concept of Write Everything Twice.

    If you actually interested in discussion about the debate of DRY/WET/AHA, I’m all for it. But don’t misinterpret or try to change what is already well-written.

    Also, don’t throw accusations at people who provide you documentation and proof and then contest while providing absolutely none yourself. That doesn’t sound like any earnest interest in discussion.