Gonna just copy this one wholesale given the context (and credit to DKBetiza on ye-ol-dump for having posted it there):

This is a recap of what was said on Wrestling Observer Live. Credit to Trevor Dame for the recap. This post is currently being edited with new information continuously.

  • Bryan (Alvarez) woke up today to find out he got COVID on the UK trip. TRAVELERS BEWARE. (He feels fine.)
  • Bryan says he has talked to no fewer than a dozen people about all the stuff. Prefacing things by some of this stuff he’s been given two versions of, in which case he’ll try to give both versions.
  • Bryan talking about how the original “Punk bars Perry from using broken glass” story came out weeks after it happened, it was already well known by folks internally by then.
  • Bryan agrees with Punk that people should not in fact go through broken glass. Remembers when Goldberg hurt himself with glass. “Glass is not a good worker.”
  • Jungle Boy had a planned vacation. His side’s story was that he was approved by AEW on Dynamite to go rent the car and shoot the glass breaking injury angle on Collision, and when he got to Collision, Punk told him no.
  • Bryan says he didn’t hear this from Jungle Boy, but his side is that he got the glass spot cleared by AEW and then Punk tells him no the day of the show, and his side thinks Punk did that because he’s friends with the Young Bucks. (Obviously Punk’s side is he’s trying to protect people from using broken glass.)
  • On the Punk travel story, Bryan confirms that no one was there to pick him up from the UK airport, he had to take a train and get fans to direct him to Wembley.
  • Bryan has heard 2 stories. In one side Punk couldn’t get ahold of anyone from AEW once he was stranded at the airport. The other side says he did get in touch with people and was given options, and he took the train.
  • Bryan was told Perry walked back after the All In match, as he walked by Punk, Punk said “Do you have a problem with me?” and Perry replied that well, you heard what I said out there.
  • Bryan says there was a lot of witnesses to the Punk/Perry fight at Gorilla including TONY KHAN
  • Punk apparently then said “You know I could beat your ass?”, then Punk shoved him and put him in the choke and it was broken up immediately.
  • Bryan says the fight was close enough to Tony Khan in Gorilla that MONITORS FELL ON TONY. Lots of witnesses. Joe broke the fight up.
  • Punk was immediately angry, threatened to quit, did not want to wrestle. Bryan was told things were delayed ten minutes because of this.
  • FTR and the Bucks were asked if they could open the show and they said they weren’t ready, so they asked the Golden Elite six man if they could and they said they guess they could.
  • Joe was pissed because he wanted to wrestle at Wembley so they got things together and we got the Punk/Joe match first, as we saw.
  • Bryan talking about how Miro tweeted that the story of Perry initiating physical contact with Punk was BS and now today tweeting “Nice UK cab” which Bryan says is an obvious shot at Punk.
  • Bryan says there was apparently a SECOND NEAR INCIDENT when Punk came back through the current where Miro confronted Punk and asked him about what happened with Perry, and Punk asked him if he had a problem with him now and if he wanted to step outside. JESUS CHRIST.
  • Bryan wants people to note that Punk did not say “I’m not suspended” he said no one had contacted him about a suspension. That’s two different things. From the WBD side, Bryan was told the Punk match was off All Out. (Bryan was then later told they were suspended and there’s now an investigation.)
  • Bryan does a “Anything is possible” but his gut is this isn’t going to get wrapped up in time for All Out and they’ll be off of it. Referencing how long the Elite/Punk investigation and Elite absence was.
  • Bryan also referencing how the Elite were kept in the dark on a lot of stuff during their suspension, so basically suggesting that if Punk was also being kept fairly in the dark, that wouldn’t be out of the norm for AEW.
  • Bryan does not know what this all means. The anti-Punk side says you can’t go after someone physically because they say something you don’t like. The pro-Punk side says everyone is after him.
  • Bryan asked a bunch of the people he talked to if they thought Punk was coming back after this. Most said “Of course he’s coming back” but a handful think he’s done.
  • Bryan says the Punk situation put a damper on the whole All In show for “A lot” of the talent. Bryan says a friend of Punk’s got so mad he punched a wall and broke his hand. (I know the rumor is this person is Brody King but I want to note Bryan did not name him and clearly did not want to put a name to who did it, for whatever reason.)
  • Bryan says “Morale is down” and people were saying, wait for it, “Something has to be done.” How many times has that been said this year.
  • To people who think people are overreacting to the down vibes about this situation, Bryan points out Tony pointed out at the All In presser how badly they fell after last year’s All Out. (To be fair, Tony was also referencing injuries to Punk and guys like Cole/Danielson.)
  • (Update: Nick Hausman says he’s being told the near incident with Miro is not true.)
  • Trevor Edit: “Also just to be clear, Bryan’s story about a Miro/Punk confrontation came after Punk came through the curtain, not “current” as I typoed. As in, after Punk came backstage after his match with Joe. Punk/Perry before the match, Punk/Miro after.”
  • ryper@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Miro has only been wrestling on Collision, I thought that’s the show for people who don’t have a problem with Punk?