The FBI agent’s bombshell allegations of political bias appeared in a leaked statement made to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    1 year ago

    It’s the illusion of positive change. The government is basically playing tug-o-war with the people. We have positive change, then the next guy comes and wipes it all away, and we’re back to square 1. Look at women’s rights, LGBT rights, basic human rights, etc. We thought we were safe yet here we are fighting the same fight as 50+ years ago. We’re moving backwards! People can’t afford to rent/buy homes, the environment is burning to the ground, food is expensive, education is not only expensive but apparently wrong now too? I mean, how did we get here? We were all tricked into thinking Obama becoming president meant the country was moving away from it’s ugly, racial, past. We got lazy. Then Trump gets elected and it all came rushing back x10. Now we’re back to making progress again? The ultra rich have the government under their control and we’re all just here for their entertainment. We fight against each other for basic scraps when it comes to human decency and for what? We need sustained, positive change that lasts longer than 1-2 presidential elections and we need it now. Trump may be an idiot, but plenty of wanna-be fascists saw his mistakes and will learn from them. The next time we get a Trump 2.0, democracy will die. We cannot afford that to happen, which is why I said we are walking a fine line between democracy and fascism. And until we get actual progressive movements that last, I don’t see our government doing us any good.