• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    You say that, but history has me concerned.

    In the wake of the Reagan grift and our corporate party’s conversion of the former worker’s party into bribe taking neoliberals into today, our market hyper capitalists got to work metastasizing their model into new regions, in their impossible quest to maintain infinite growth on a finite world.

    In Europe The UK fell first. It’s practically become a mini greedy us. Germany is embracing it. The French people, bless them, are fighting back but losing. Our oligarchs are creeping accross the globe with the faustian bargain of “Don’t you want to live large? Just betray your countrymen and you can live in decadence like you’ve never dreamed…” It fucking works, just takes a few greedy people in the right positions and a few years.

    American style, deregulated market capitalism is a malignant cancer spreading accross the globe turning entire societies against themselves to be picked clean by global oligarchs with allegiance only to themselves and their own net worth.

    And I know that you know, capitalists will NEVER STOP in their march to grow/metastasize unless they are physically stopped. There is an invading army advancing around the globe, but they don’t kill, they convert people into their own capital batteries, devoid of meaning, subsisting for a small group of sociopaths who see their own species as their private property to extract value from.

    It’s like the global conquest of the traveling snake oil confidence men of old.

      • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        The oligarchs who legally bribe our elected leaders through superpacs and capture their own regulators would never allow that.

        This isn’t a class war, it’s a class occupation. The war was half a century ago, the oligarchs won by convincing the rube peasants there was no class war and so they won without a fight as Reagan enshrined and enhanced their preferred tactics into law.