Been back at work on my Eskarina Socks and I almost had them finished off yesterday but then realised the bit of knitting I’d done at the dentist was all wrong and needed to be redone. Woe.

Will probably get that redone and the toe finished off tomorrow though so prepare for gratuitous sock pics soon!

Last week I set my crafting goals for the year, and one of them is to make a shawl. Now, that’s a big deal because I’ve been self-banned from making shawls for about two and a half years, but it makes sense for…reasons.

So to that end I picked up the Big Damn Heroes pattern that I’ve had bookmarked literally since it came out in 2013 and have started some good old-fashioned swatching. Oh shawl knitting, how I missed thee.

What’s everyone else up to this week? Knitting yourself some emergency mittens to get through the cold snap? Or alternatively for our southern hemisphere friends, maybe resenting all yarn-based activities due to heat and humidity?

Either way, here’s your opportunity for weather related knitting complaints.