This is unfortunately true and to many men think the size of their penis is directly related to the size of their brolly. One doesn’t need a golf brolly to walk down a crowded high street
If too many people use an umbrella at once, it angers the weather god, who whips up a strong wind to turn all the brollies inside out, and blow lightweight people into the road.
Cause it is and the weather is changeable and unpredictable far too often.
Side note, why don’t my fellow Brits carry a brolly more often? I’ve always got one in my bag for the days that start out dry and rain later on!
I hate umbrellas I just use a hood. Too many people dont have the spacial awareness to carry umbrellas im always having to dodge them at my eye level.
This is unfortunately true and to many men think the size of their penis is directly related to the size of their brolly. One doesn’t need a golf brolly to walk down a crowded high street
The brolly thing has caught me out more than a few times on the school run. I should definitely be carrying them with me going forward.
If too many people use an umbrella at once, it angers the weather god, who whips up a strong wind to turn all the brollies inside out, and blow lightweight people into the road.
I’m too short to hold one high enough to not take out other people’s eyes. And if a tall person holds it, I’m getting all the drips off the side.
Given that my hair just does its own thing anyway, it’s way more hassle than just getting a bit wet.