Found this one online while browsing for what cats shouldn’t eat. However I feel like this area is quite controversial and opinionated. Also feels like half the websites are written by AI and riddled with ads. So if anyone has a good source as to what cats should avoid then let me know.
Anyways, I found this nice illustration, but wanted to hear with you peeps whether you have any experience regarding these food items.
Also what’s your take on milk/sour milk for cats? My previous cat loved it so much, and she aged until she was 17 years old, and never seemed to have a problem with it. Also asked the vet at the time and she said it was OK. However every other website I visit tell to never give milk(dairy) to cats. So which is it? Does it just depend on the cat?
I don’t think the picture is about proper cat nutrition. I think it’s about giving the cat a treat/letting it taste something you’re eating. You’re right that you should definitely feed your cat meat or proper meat-based cat food.
Never never never never lol at least for me. Maybe I’m a scumbag pet parent, but I’ve never let any cat eat what I eat and thankfully ive never had to deal with begging for anything I’m eating. :P
Lucky. Yesterday my cat stole a slice of my toast and ran off. I got most of it back but she growled at me :(
I had a cat that had irritable bowel disease and was very limited in what he could eat, and he didn’t like his prescription food. He was very aggressive about getting our food. We had to be extremely careful around him, and forget eating a pizza while sitting on the couch. We had to lock him up when we had guests, because they would never believe how fast he was and would snag food from the table when no one was looking.
He’s been gone 10 years now, unfortunately. But one of the cats we have now stole some sausage and cheese the other night while we were prepping dinner. He usually doesn’t do that, so our guard wasn’t up.
Thank you for sharing your stories about your food thief. Our theif has serious food insecurity from her previous home, and only weighs about 5 lbs, so it’s extra funny to catch her dragging a slice of pizza the same size as her.
I’ll try to appreciate her thieving ways, since I’ll definitely miss them when she’s gone.
Yeah, sure, that’s a good strategy I’d say. But there are other possibilities. Some people find it nice to share a little bit of food with their pets from time to time. And this guide can help them not to poison the pet.