Gotta Rant: American insurance really really sucks sometimes…Im not young, but not too old and I very rarely use it. But every time i do, it just fails to deliver and is as useful as an expired gift card. Our company insurance isn’t cheap either, i pay about $250 a month and the company covers the other 75%. So recently, i had some eye pain and working in front of a PC all day my eyes are kinda important so i look up an optometrist on the insurance provider’s site and make an appointment. I go see the doctor and get when i leave i pay for the service out of pocket and they said they would reimburse me once they receive payment from insurance. There was an issue submitting the claim, but i worked that out about three weeks ago. Today, i checked and my claim was reject and the reason they gave was that the doctor was out of network and im like I found them through your friggin website…WTF…so i got pissed and wrote a bad review on BBB and will appeal the claim but this is just BS. The amount wasn’t that high about $135, but i should have just paid a $25 deductible and be on my way. problem here is if i cant trust this insurance for something small like this, i feel like ill be totally screwed if i end up needing something more urgent…anyways, insurance here sucks ass…