So I live in a (relatively) big city now. I’m always fascinated by the (social) super structure that is a city, and also by public transport inside cities. I like how life here never stops. You can find things to do at all hours of the day. I like all the weird and strange things the city has to offer.

It also has it’s downsides. It gets busy, polluted, dirty and noisy. There’s an airbnb close to my appartment and the guests party til 6 in the morning sometimes, on weekdays. If you complain, people say ‘you live in a big city, what do you expect?’ like it’s the normal thing to do. I miss nature sometimes.

I think I’ll eventually move to a village. Preferably at sea. But to be young in a city is a blessing at the moment.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    1 year ago

    I’ve lived in all three, currently newly moved into a pretty tiny village in the middle of nowhere. I’ll admit I grew up in a big city and spent pretty much most of my life in one, and recently I’ve lived in a smaller quieter town, which seemed slightly better. But circumstances have led to me currently residing where I am, and I have to say that initially it’s great. Everyone knows everyone, theres less noise, you can actually see the stars, and it seems wonderful. But then idk, I guess its might just be me, but I have started to slightly lose my mind from boredom, since nothing ever happens here. It’s too far out of the way from any big places for a quick trip into town, and it’s agonizingly dull at times. Keep in mind I’m in the third world, so I don’t know how it would compare to such a place in Europe or the US, which is where most of you seem to be, but out here the experience isn’t ideal if you’re a relatively young and ambitious person. Maybe when I’ve retired and need someplace quiet to sit around while I wait for death, but right now I can see why everyone below 40 here is either itching to get out to a big city, or go abroad and never come back.