If Christianity is man made, why does everything about it go against man’s desires? Does Christianity go against man’s desires? If so, is that evidence for Christianity? I answer this question, discussing the history of Christianity, the cognitive science of religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and more.

The whole “atheists can’t answer this question” and “atheists can’t explain this” thing is really getting old.

  • Marshall Stack@mastodon.social
    5 months ago

    I have a desire not to be tortured for eternity in a hell created by the being who is demanding I love it unconditionally, without credible evidence of it’s existence. All because this being loves me & wants to forgive me for the sin of being descended from a woman who used the free will she didn’t have to not be tricked by this beings lie into not eating a magic apple.

    Fortunately, this is over ruled by my desire to live my life without being sucked into believing illogical bullshit.