I was blown away by how much difference a long nature walk made to my ADHD symptoms. I spent 3 hours just meandering in the woods yesterday (not exercising, but walking around slowly and with a lot of curiosity and mindfulness). My mind felt calm like a still pond yesterday. And even today, I’m still feeling more “with it” but in a peaceful way. I forget how amazing nature it. Now I want to make nature time a regular part of my week. I’m excited!
I was blown away by how much difference a long nature walk made to my ADHD symptoms. I spent 3 hours just meandering in the woods yesterday (not exercising, but walking around slowly and with a lot of curiosity and mindfulness). My mind felt calm like a still pond yesterday. And even today, I’m still feeling more “with it” but in a peaceful way. I forget how amazing nature it. Now I want to make nature time a regular part of my week. I’m excited!