• Moneo@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I agree with your sentiment but if everyone is just pointing fingers we’re going to keep steamrolling ahead. We need to put the pressure on politicians by actually giving a fuck.

    I’m fucking tired of people like my parents making tiny sacrifices and then patting themselves on the back for “doing their part for the climate”. Meanwhile they own 6 fucking cars. I’m fucking tired of how most people ridicule climate activists and act all frustrated that 500 strangers had their commute lengthened.

    I agree that “taking personal responsibility” is mostly bullshit and isn’t going to fix climate change, but I still think everyone should do everything in their power to curb their impact. Not for the minute gains that they’ll make but as a form of activism in itself.

    • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      I agree. I said as much, but it’s good to say it again. It may not be your fault. You may not be the worst offender. That doesn’t mean you should do whatever the hell you want.

      everyone should be doing everything they can to slow or stop the constant march that we’re seeing towards higher and higher global temperatures.

      My main focus is that the entire narrative that I’ve ever seen is basically making people mad at their countrymen, neighbors, whomever, for driving the gas guzzling F350 trucks and rolling coal on hippie EV owners and crap… And yes, that’s one problem. That’s not the only problem, but it’s the only one that seems to be discussed.

      We can’t relax on the push towards better options for everyone, but we also need to apply pressure where it needs to be, so that the very environmentally unfriendly practices of businesses also get the attention they need to be fixed.

      My little sedan gets so little use because I refuse to drive several hours a day for work, so I found a job where I can work from home. It’s easily one of the most substantive contributions that I can make towards the goal… Drive less. I don’t have the funds to buy an EV right now, so if I can follow that first rule of “the three R’s” … Aka reduce, then that will be for the best.

      But that leads me to another problem. People seem to think that recycling is as good as reduce/reuse, and bluntly, it’s not. Recycle is last on the list because it’s what you should be doing when reducing and reusing isn’t possible. But I digress.

      There’s a lot of problems. I just want people to put pressure on global logistics companies that are running large diesel ships 24/7 so that we can get useless knickknacks from China, non-stop.

    • Citizen@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      When is the last time politicians really did something good? please remind me with facts!