Image description: Two images. The top image is of a sign for a “Back to the Bible Holiness Church*” that reads “God created man & woman Satan made gays and transgender gen 5:2”. The bottoms image is of a women sitting on a porch wearing sunglasses, dark clothes, and smoking. The caption reads “Praise Satan.”

  • ???
    1 year ago

    Yeah, they are literally just making shit up.

    If everything not in the Bible was untrue, the universe could not exist even if/when God DID want to create one; Contemporary people from Yeshua of Nazareth’s time considered E’l to be NIGH-Omnipotent, capable of doing anything that is logically possible I.e. non-paradoxical. God can’t rewind time, and god can’t lift a rock that he made so heavy he couldn’t lift it but CAN make that rock because he can then make the rock lighter so he can lift it because multiple-step projects are still possible if complex. Therefore, even god can’t write a guide to reality so perfect that it makes reality trivial. That, or he could, but our free will was made so free that even God cannot chain us (though we could chain ourselves and not be able to unchain ourselves) and therefore a book of rules is - while potentially true - not a legally-binding contract, and even if it was a law of reality, laws list what you can’t do, not what you have to do and therefore the bible cannot imply “guilt” on the part of those who want to be or simply are different.

    Hermaphroditic babies are not sinners. Homosexuals were born with a genital structure of one gender or the other, how does that make them evil? Oh right, that’s just old-fashioned sexism. You do know Jesus/Yeshua criticized his own religion’s followers for being sexist bastards who thought “it is a woman’s place to be on her knees (and, the men implied, with her open mouth filled, because men like that are creeps)” and that gay men filling that role i n a sexual encounter somehow emasculated all men by proxy, right?

    Yeah, there was an Islamic renaissance at some point in the 1200s CE, but as it is now, it was par-for-the-course in Jesus’ time to be a misogynistic asshole, yet it has never been a Christian thing to do to look down on femininity or any man that does not meet society’s standard of masculinity. Good Christians don’t hate lesbians or gay men or people who were born one gender but act like another or do not feel their gender defines them in any way, and if you are a “christian” who believes that hating someone for being a curveball to your worldview is somehow mandated by the Bible, you’re either going to hell or you will not be missed when you cease existing.

    Besides, the Old Testament is literally the entire Torah and Talmud (from Judaism, if you’re too Murican Conservative to know that) translated, and Judaism/Christianity/Islam are practically the prototype writ-large of The Matrix, so clearly the Bible spent a LONG time as a work of progress if it was really written by god.