Or to find a long term way of eating that makes you not obese (and not skinny-fat either). I’m on a zero fibre, zero sugar diet which works well — makes me feel good, though it is pretty extreme and isn’t supported by any national dietary guidelines. I have been not obese for over a year and not overweight for a few months
That sounds very fatphobic :/ but really I did it for allergies and health rather than for body image, it just happens to have worked for body image too
The only way to beat fatphobia is to become obese.
Or to find a long term way of eating that makes you not obese (and not skinny-fat either). I’m on a zero fibre, zero sugar diet which works well — makes me feel good, though it is pretty extreme and isn’t supported by any national dietary guidelines. I have been not obese for over a year and not overweight for a few months
That sounds very fatphobic :/ but really I did it for allergies and health rather than for body image, it just happens to have worked for body image too