I’ve been experimenting with putting headphones on (not playing music, just blocking noise) in situations where there is a lot of noise and it kinda helps! Although, apparently it’s not considered “socially acceptable” to wear headphones while singing along with a group of people at a youth event lol. (I did explain it to the person who was playing the music though and he said he didn’t even notice and could tell I was enjoying myself so I guess I’m good)

P.S. I don’t know if this is the kind of post we do in this community. I just felt like mentioning it

  • quinacridone@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I’ve got some silicone earplugs (reusable up to a point, then binned) I mainly use them for sleeping, but have used them at a gig and they were brilliant. I’ve also got some big over the ears headphones too with ANC, which previously I would have been too self conscious to wear, but all the ‘kids’ these days seem to be plugged in while out and about… they muffled the sound of my washing machine and the guy upstairs when he’s stomping around

    Other than that it’s the ‘old fingers in the ears’ when I’m near a motorbike, sirens or children screaming…the world is far too loud!