I know that it’s popular to dismiss President Biden. I get it. He’s old. This is the first election featuring the 2 oldest candidates, ever. So what? The future of the WORLD is literally dependent on this election. To boot Biden from the ticket and try to bootstrap another candidate is madness. Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food. Stick with the old man, and figure out a way to enact his popular policies while also expanding the Supreme Court, enacting term limits and limiting “Christian” Nationalists.

  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    There is no shadowy secretive DNC group that made some united decision, no. Most donors wanted him to go, along with a lot of legislators and even Obama. Others like the Clintons and the more progressive wing were supporting him.

    However, even if 100% of all democrats on Earth, including leaders, decided he needed to leave, but one man named Joe Biden disagreed and refused, he would still be running.

    You understand how that works?

    • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      However, even if 100% of all democrats on Earth, including leaders, decided he needed to leave, but one man named Joe Biden disagreed and refused, he would still be running.

      You understand how that works?

      What you seem to refuse to accept is Republicans want him to leave.

      Yes, Trump can beat him and he’s a weak candidate, but the Republican base thinks he stole the election and Hunter Biden is a kingpin of an international criminal enterprise and he’s a radical socialist that’s flooding the country with “”“illegals”“” and other such bullshit. Democrats could join the Republican witch hunt against Hunter Biden or invoke the 25th Amendment and enough Republicans would be willing to work with Democrats because it would satisfy their electoral base.

      You reject the idea that Republicans would ever work with Democrats on literally anything, but I think the one thing they could agree on is destroying Biden.

      Also? One Republican decided Trump needed to leave and he almost succeeded. I’m just saying, if 100% of Democrats decided Biden needed to leave…

      • Carrolade@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I find it pretty laughable that republicans need to satisfy their base. Their base wants immigration control more than anything, when McConnell put a bill forward with the strongest immigration control in decades, Trump killed it to avoid giving Biden the win.

        They believe whatever Trump and Fox tell them to believe, so what actually happens doesn’t matter. Their voters’ wants are 100% irrelevant, so long as they talk tough and own some libs. That’s the soul of MAGA. So no, they would never remove Biden at this point, they’d protect him just like Dems protected Mike Johnson earlier this year despite hating him. Politics are complicated, not simple. Trying to make them fit simple explanations causes problems.

        edit: Oh, and I never rejected that repubs and dems can work together, that must’ve been someone else. They worked together to get aid to Ukraine earlier this year.

        • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          The Republican base has grown far beyond Fox these days, they’re all across the internet and streaming services now.

          I will say that Trump and Trump alone could maybe keep Republicans from joining Democrats in their campaign against Biden. I just don’t think he would. I think he’d delight at the chaos it was causing and present himself as the reason Biden was forced out.

          • Carrolade@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            You sorely overestimate how much they hate Biden. It’s all show, blather, style with no substance, messaging, whatever you want to call it. They could all flip on a dime, like a school of fish or something.

            They’ve been fucking over their voters for yeeears now. Their voters don’t exactly love tax cuts for the rich, according to polling anyway. But that’s all they get, over and over…

            They’re not stupid enough to harm their actual chances at winning and seizing govt just to keep a promise or have some lols.

            • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              You underestimate how beholden Republicans are to their base. The Party wanted Trump gone after 2020, but they couldn’t afford to piss off their base.

              The base doesn’t love tax cuts for the rich, but they don’t hate it either. They’re pretty neutral to class politics, if tax cuts supposedly create jobs then they’ll support tax cuts.

              But the base really does hate Biden, because he stole the election from their godking. That’s why I think Trump would be the only one that could save Biden. If their idol told them he needs to stay president then they’d obey, but if Trump poured fuel on the fire (like I think he would) there’d be a frenzy of people demanding Biden was executed.

              • Carrolade@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                I’ve seen them spin too many things around to think they don’t have control over their base’s perceptions.

                Also, “the party” did not want Trump gone. Only a small portion of them really came out against him, many others made their pilgrimages to Mar a Lago. Parties are not monoliths, they’re not entities that have single desires and move in unified directions like some sort of organism. They’re fractious, with different people wanting different things, rivalries, differing opinions, etc. We saw this dramatically with the purging of the Never Trumpers like Liz Cheney. Even now, their party is not actually unified, despite trying to portray that illusion.

                Humans just aren’t that good at all cooperating in numbers that large.

                Trump and co have already made tons of statements about how Biden was their preferred opponent. I don’t think your guess is the equal to that.

                No offense, I have nothing against you personally, but you clearly don’t really follow politics or political history at any kind of detailed level. I very much do, for the record. I listen to the speeches, research the people, etc, it’s been a lifelong hobby. I am not just spouting random opinions based on some assumptions or things I’ve read online. This is why I just remembered things like where Obama was from and what the 2020 dem debates were like. You seem much more new to this.

                Anyways, by all means, believe whatever you like, you are entitled to your own opinion. I will continue to shoot down conspiracy theories when I see them though. There’s enough of that in MAGA, we don’t need that crap fucking up the left too. The left is cool, usually. Should stay that way.