• ZMonster@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah, a reference would have been nice, sure. But I still think the people that watched that video are NOT interested in reading a longer, unfunny version of stories about dumb people. Conversely, if you were trying to research this story specifically and your source was this video, then maybe the bottom of a cave is the right place for you. Lol. His images are just ripped off stock photos too. So I suppose nothing he does is truly original. Yet at the same time, there is no one like him on YouTube that has the same appeal. So I would say, if you watch his video and then read the article, would you have the same experience? Probably not. He did transform the content. But enough so for you? That’s up to the beholder. So again, sure he stole someone’s article and they had YouTube remove it. I guess the system works. And I still don’t care. He’s neither a journalist nor a researcher so who cares? What a weird battle to fight. The fact that anyone has an opinion this intense about something so dumb is just baffling, let alone enough to make a video about it. I still think hbomb needs to chill the fuck out. It’s just not that serious, and YouTube has already taken action. So who are you carrying the torch for? You know what’s more entertaining than hbomber “taking down” Internet Historian? Any Internet Historian video. I do find it hilarious that his most popular video is the one about IH. So who is milking who here? 😂 I’m just fucking around. You’re absolutely right. But it just means nothing to me. I’m sure I’m not alone.