• Tak@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    It’s the unwinnable created to make sure you are wrong.

    If you’re wealthy and a socialist you’re just using the movement as a way to make money and manipulate. If you’re poor and a socialist you’re just greedy and want to take from others because you’re lazy or something.

    Reversely if a poor person argues for capitalism because they assume it is a meritocracy then aren’t they saying they’re undeserving or lazy? Or if a wealthy person argues for capitalism aren’t they just saying “fuck everyone else but me” (true)

    I prefer to argue with entrenched conservatives through things they agree with. “It’s bullshit I can’t carry a firearm just because my boss doesn’t like it, it’s my 2nd amendment right and no big suit should be able to keep me from it because they created a world I need their money to survive” This is something they now have to argue against guns for the evil “suit” (hopefully a liberal company like disney) to defend capitalists. You can then follow it up with how pizza delivery is more unsafe than being a police officer and how those poor drivers can’t stay armed to defend themselves.