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    1 month ago

    13.08.2024 - And again menthol

    • Prep: cold water
    • Brush: Omega Roma Colosseo 31 mm
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: snapped BIC Chrome Platinum (new)
    • Lather: Moon Soaps - Union
    • Post-Shave: Thayer’s Original toner; Phytorelax Aftershave scalp cream

    -> 2 pass head shave and again a bit contouring. Cool and good.

    Today was the hottest day of the year in Germany, with temperatures rising to over 35°C and the “felt temperature” (aka how hot/cold does it feel like for the average person) rising over 40°C. Even after two showers in a single day, I still didn’t feel so fresh. Time for some menthol again - I reached for the safe option, barbershop scent with a tiny little amount. I could’ve definitely used something with a stronger menthol content today though… Sometimes, laid back doesn’t quite cut it.

    I also used a “new” snapped BIC blade today, or rather the remaining half. It’s quite impressive how efficient their cut is when they’re fresh!

    Now that the bot is back in business, may I kindly request that we get a Free Talk Friday thread again? My ADHD simply doesn’t allow me to remember posting one of these on time, but I feel something lacks when we don’t have one.