Kept seeing this clip of Barry Sternlicht laughing about a “nice little recession” so I thought I’d share.

For what it’s worth, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone hoping for a recession. My stepdad told me this and I don’t understand why he’d want that.

According to him the only way to combat inflation is for us to go into a recession. But wouldn’t that cause a different form of chaos?

I’m uneducated on inflation vs recession but I know for a fact through lived experience that inflation sucks, and I’ve heard recession is also shit so why ask for one?

Anyway if this doesn’t belong here please let me know so I can post it somewhere else, I’m still getting used to what posts belong in what communities.

    1 year ago

    They will see every person below them dead before they gave up any of their power. We see that now. The fed tried to raise the rates and the second it started to impact the oligarchy they let off as much as the could. There is simply no stopping it though. If they hiked the rated high enough to cause an real impact to inflation the whole thing crumbles. They do nothing to stop hyper inflation, the whole thing crumbles. They are doing damage control. The stocks are having a high right now because they are pumping it so they can sell at the top and try and buy it all up when it hits bottom. They think they can keep playing it like they have been for decades but when this thing goes it’s gonna gooooo. Look at it this way. When they raised the debt ceiling 3 months ago… They’ve already added 1.8 TRILLION dollars onto the national debt. Want to know how long it took to put on the first 1.8 trillion on the nations debt?