I’ll go read or work on a project, but nothing is worth commercials. Sports games are played and fit to the commercials in the USA.

Once upon a time I was into baseball back with Maddux, Smoltz, and Glavine. The Braves were the closest pro team to me as a kid that watched The Sandlot too much.

I’ve caught bits and pieces of the current World Series in passing, but I walk out with every commercial. I just don’t care any more. No content is worth wasting half of my time with whatever wares some shitty billionaire is hocking for rent-scription. I’m worth more than that and I’m not willing to sell myself or my time and interests to these people any more. I reject the premise that this is an acceptable normal. You do you, and value your time accordingly. I see ads as worthless lowlife behavior that belongs scared and intimidated under rocks and hidden in creepy caves. Advertising as some kind of acceptable feature in society or as if it has a right to my time is insulting, demeaning, and unacceptable to me. I reject this dystopia.

  • Canopyflyer@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Absolutely agree.

    I tightly control every piece of media that comes into my house. My kids have never had to sit through 10 minutes of commercials to watch a 20 minute program. When they go to a friends house and watch TV, they can’t stand it and go do something else. My oldest loves Figure Skating in the Olympics (he’s a competitive figure skater himself), but all the commercials made it all but unwatchable to him. He just waits till the skaters programs, he wants to watch, are on Youtube. This has had the added benefit that my kids have been completely unaware of the “latest and greatest” toy or thing that all of their peers absolutely had to have.

    The absolute frenzy to “make a buck” on freaking everything has made almost all forms of media devoid of worth. An oxymoron I know, but it is the truth. The cost in time and attention to sit through so many advertisements is way too high and I refuse to pay that price. If that means I don’t see or hear the latest and greatest movies, TV series, or music… Oh well.