This perfectly illustrates just how misguided the strategy of trying to contain China’s technological advancement truly is. Any skill gaps can be easily bridged through the recruitment of top Western talent to provide guidance and instruction.

    4 months ago

    A striking example of how state-driven economies can out compete capitalist systems: “State funding for Chinese companies enables them to offer salaries beyond what Western companies can pay.” This reveals a crucial advantage of centralized economic planning.

    By leveraging state resources and prioritizing strategic sectors, governments in centrally planned economies can allocate funding where it matters most, including higher wages to attract and retain top talent. Unlike profit-driven capitalist enterprises that are bound by market constraints and shareholder demands, a state-led system can set long-term goals, absorb short-term losses, and maintain stability in ways that capitalism struggles to replicate.

    This centralized approach allows for deliberate investment in key industries and ensures that resources are distributed not just to maximize profit but also to achieve objectives. It demonstrates that when competition isn’t the driving force, a system can still deliver better outcomes for workers and industries alike.