AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]

I dislike AOC, shes too communist for my taste

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2021


  • talking out my ass, I’m guessing its because oxygen is an energetic and highly reactive element, and therefore it can do lots of things and it does them really well (or at least strongly), or in general was just the best most direct means to accomplish the energy intensive tasks that were required given the biosphere we evolved in? I’m not sure how common/ vital oxygen consumption was before that one mass extinction where algae became overabundant and oxygenated the atmosphere and caused a mass extinction, it could have been a result of adaptation to that new condition- though I doubt this is the case

  • One of the greatest tragedies in global history for sure, no one has suffered like us, I think it’s important we stop everything to give respect to that time like barely over 2k people died in a disaster, a thing that happens basically every day to some place in the world and will only get worse and worse, but the point is that 23 years ago it happened one time TO THE UNITED STATES!!

    Yeah it sucks when people die, but do you really expect me to give a fuck about this case compared to shit that actually matters? Get real

    Even fuckin 9 year Olds are out here cracking 9/11 jokes, it’s not something to consider seriously

    Edit: damn it I should read posts before responding