Right half =dating profile. Left half =reality
Shit I just missed it. I was there last year and enjoyed it.
You can create the community and begin the migration
Oooffff… But probably…
I came in thinking this was a dad joke sub…lol… and was like wait … this a not a punch line… now we need to find a dad joke for this question…
Could he have waited a few days to shit in the guy? It sucks they did not do a proper farewell in Singapore and on top of that the cadaver Marko saying this stuff.i mean he is right but, can it wait? Imagine being Rick reading this crap.
Good. Powertrip consequences.
Wait what?
I watched this video a few days ago.I really enjoyed his brevity and efficiency. No fuzz, no information voice like other yters… good job
Give him a contact or shut up.
Let’s go!
Thanks for playing…useful
“sir, this is a Wendy’s”
Dude that’s for the reply… your last sentence comes across as *it’s not me it’s you" mindset… the dosnvoates are clear evidence that contradicts this statement… anyway… thanks for explaining.
1 hr!? Dang… tldw