Many good points here! I personally think The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th (2009) and A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) are pretty good remakes myself. I cannot say I’ve gone this deep into it like you have in your thought prosses, but I think they add some elements that makes it work. The story in these movies are maybe not worked on so much but they did a decent job at making these movies “modern” if you will.
I now see that I’m contradicting myself by what I wrote in my OP but my view is maybe a bit more nuanced than what I wrote there.
This is the same people that don’t get that the fires we’ve seen in many part of the world is also part of climate change. Why deny something that science has been telling us for decades at this point.
But we shouldn’t be supprised when politicians in the US are banning books that don’t align witb their world views. It’s pathetic.