• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2023


  • I also find it weird that there are so many together

    I’m not well versed in IDF tactics, however I know the basic of the operation which the Israelis are conducting.

    1. They’re buddled up due to fact these are forces trying to occupy an area of the city, likely some market place, poor tactics really but the IDF are desperate, and they’re not well known to have the most competent leadership.

    2. Israeli’s are using predominately armoured vehicles rather than infantrymen, it’s like the polar opposite of Ukraine. The reason’s for this is urban compact requires Armor to shield itself from small arms fire, Palestinian snipers are also very well trained, and several IDF soldiers testify just how effective they are.

    3. Mobility kills don’t really matter, if the tank crew abandons the armoured vehicles, its effectively gone. And the IDF are likely never going to recover these vehicles, it’s simply not a strategy which the military command, nor the cowardly IDF soldiers are ever going to do.

  • Don’t worry guys, we just need 5 more years of genocide joe Joey our friendly uncle sam, hopefully he’ll listen to us instead of voting off crime bills! Or voting to send weapons to bomb & kill, Or breaking up railway strikes, or passing corporate lobbyist laws in his home state Delaware, or giving money to the MIC, or giving more subsidies to corporations, or removing all the welfare benefits after covid-19.

    You know what? This gag is unfunny, fuck joe biden supporters, you middle class shits would rather have a concentration camp in your garden rather than socialist reforms

  • a) Was the Great Famine real?

    It was.

    b) If so, was it as bad as we’re taught in the west

    It was pretty bad, nothing like the fudged numbers of 60-80 million people dying, but 20-30 million are rumoured to have perish in that tragedy.

    c) Was it directly linked to Mao’s Great Leap Forward

    It was, but you must ask yourself why the great leap forward happened in the first place. Right after the Khrushchev got elected, the revisionist Soviets recalled industrial experts and scientists, effectively stopping its supplying or aiding of China’s industrial efforts, it was effectively an embargo on China, this completely crippled China’s momentum and forced Mao to take a radical approach of self-sufficiency to industrialize China in a way it can compete with other industrial nations.

    The failure of the great leap forward was due to being a desperate plan rather than well-thought out one (that being said, many benefits actually did come from the GLF, such as literacy rates improved and living conditions were developed, so it wasn’t a complete failure), after the great leap forward came the Ultra Poverty-worshipping communists such as the gang of five, who stated all that China needed to do was stay the course, and China would find itself a developed-industrialized nation in no time.

    Had Khrushchev and the Bukharinite faction not took over after Stalin’s death, the Chinese wouldn’t have to be forced into such desperate measures such as the great leap forward, nor would the sino-soviet split even have happened. It’s another reason why Mao had Nixon come over to china in the 1970s, it was desperation, and China needed its productive forces to be sufficiently developed, it needed foreign technology to accomplish this.

  • Buchenstr@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.ml👤✅👤❎
    9 months ago

    These protests were funded by agricultural corporations to fight government environmental regulations, these hogs can really go fuck themselves for all I care.

    Most western european farmers are bourgeois traitors who would gladly sell their country out to blackrock if it meant they got a few hundred quid in their bank.

  • Poland particularly shows representative democracies are abject failures.

    Civic Platform - Liberal Conservatism, not even the decency of allowing some liberal ideas, its just a moderate party which sometimes spouts its something more. Liberals who try to pamper the party into being great are vile, it’s another right-wing shit party.

    PiS - Religious freaks who want nothing but to control the populace through catholic dogma, racism and anti-communism. Anti-intellectualism is rampant throughout their party, if they’re not shutting down public schools, public transit or public anything, they’re likely being vile somewhere else.

    Sovereign Movement - Open fascists, nothing else to say about these guys really, they’re just fascists.

    There’s some left-wing parties but from my polish friends they’re completely irrelevant. Decades of anti-left propaganda has made them minority parties.

    At least in my country the communist party is free to set up meetings, create trade unions, and allow most activities which in other countries are completely illegal. I can only hope in poland and here, the situation develops to the proletariat’s advantage.

    To answer your question, I would just take the risk and follow the activities of the communist party of poland, this will sound doomer of me but there really doesn’t seem to be any actual good opposition towards PiS, and the other left-wing parties are only somewhat more popular than the communist one.

  • Death doesn’t much concern me, I sometimes ponder it but never really have crippling anxiety over. Unfortunately that’s been replaced by another anxiety. The fear that no matter what the proletariat do, the ruling class will simply win next time again. I fear that all the great progress we’ve made in these last years will be tarnished in a cruel replication of the 1980s collapse of the left-wing movements. But I know this will not happen, we will learn, we will evolve, and we will prepare, and we will finally be liberated.

    If I die for a good and just cause such as building up the revolution to free the misery of others, then I’ll be content with it. But it if was for naught, well I would continue to live to spite the ruling parasites, but I would see humanity refusing to evolve past its current stage of development, this is what I greatly fear.

    As if right now I’m playing through disco Elysium, and one of the paths is Harry becoming a communist. He abandons alcohol, and takes up organizing, but in truth he simply replaced an addiction for substances, for an addiction to liberation. That’s how I operate within this capitalist inhumane system, replace your rage, anxiety and aspirations for the liberation of this evil system.

    You are a comrade, You see the true injustices of this system, it isolates and oppresses those who do not fall under its drunk inducing propaganda. And to lose someone like you, we will all lose the potential successes of your talent in our collective liberation, contact your local socialist organisation, be it the CPUSA or similar, and begin organising, and in the future, look back and be proud of the millions you helped in achieving our struggle.

    This is only coming from me, as I found that my passion belonged to the communist movement. If this does not work do not worry! It just means you’ve yet to find your passion. You’re never too old to find talent, or meaning, never, we humans change throughout our lives. We will all fix our problems collectively.