Carighan Maconar

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

  • 82 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I swear every time Mozilla does anything people find some way to be negative about it.

    I mean, Lemmy is pretty much mostly for curmudgeons if we’re being honest. Or at least that’s what non-cat posts feel like. Mozilla isn’t even all that special.

    But yeah, it’s annoying. Just stop using the browser if you’re that annoyed by it, and more importantly, stop letting us know about it! We know, you’re upset. Go post on Twitter like the rest of the angry people do!

  • if only we had acted sooner

    Doing what, exactly? Create a fork? Done. Fill their feedback queue with endless screeching about how everything is dooooooom? Done, 10x over. Use another browser instead, say, Chrome? That’s what virtually everyone did, yes.=

    Plus shouldn’t this on paper be positive news? Mozilla can, if they run Anonym well enough, be independent of other ad networks. Run their own. Which in turn means they can control the data and where it’s stored, an important issue with third-party ad networks.

  • I worried about this a lot back after uni, too.

    I studied 8 years for a diploma that was supposed to be done in 5, and I had done nothing with the extra time. I just wasn’t in a good place to be done any faster.

    However, it turns out to just not be a problem. Companies generally could not give a flying fuck about what I did at university, and as soon as I had been at one company, they only cared what I had done before in the industry.

    Now of course, going for a masters is different, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it, it probably matters less than you think it will. If you want to explain gaps, I’d just cite it as “personal reasons”. If they ask - which is kinda not-okay - you can always say you had family matters that precluded you from focusing on your studies until now.

  • Oooh, finally a sale on the Shadow Gambit DLC. Time to get both, I heard a lot that while Yuki is of course the “cooler” DLC since well, it’s Yuki, the other one is mechanically smarter as the new unit is overpowered but also quite different.

    On that note, cannot recommend Shadow Gambit enough. It’s the perfection of the Commandos / Shadow Tactics / Desperados formula.

  • Carighan Maconar@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlThe Condiment Wars
    5 days ago

    Brown Sauce - HP, Daddies etc this sauce is pretty popular in the UK (Where I live) and goes great on chips/fries and prior dish mentioning.

    I don’t think Germany has this, usually.

    For us the three big ones would be Mayo / Ketchup / Mustard I imagine. Of which personally, spiced Mayo always wins out (Miracle Whip). Just too used to it from my childhood. 😅